Acupuncture has been used for almost 200 hundred years. I have been using it in my practice for almost 20 years. No one can truly reproduce or fully explain the biomechanics or biochemical effects of Acupuncture. I sleep at night not knowing “how” it works because I have seen it help many of my patients. I base my treatments on the pathways mapped by the Chinese many years ago. These pathways are believed to facilitate the flow of “chi” or energy through the body.

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Obstruction of chi is thought to cause dysfunction of organs and body systems as well as pain. The needle placement and stimulation of the needles by various methods helps to relieve the obstruction and improve function and lessen pain.

Treatments take about an hour. These is minimal discomfort with needle placement. The rest of the treatment is extremely relaxing for most patients. For acute conditions or injuries, a few treatments may be sufficient. For chronic conditions multiple treatments and potentially long-term therapy may be required for adequate control of the condition.

Acupuncture is a very useful tool that may be used for a variety of conditions. If you are interested in discussing your condition, please call 405-348-8850 for your Free Consultation. I look forward to meeting you.